Thursday, September 18, 2014

Preschool is out of this World!

Space week is always such a fun week!  On Tuesday we talked about astronauts and aliens.  We learned that it takes a lot of work to become an astronaut.  An astronaut has to be extra smart and strong.  We did some astronaut exercises to help our muscles get stronger, and then we went on a spaceship ride to the moon!  We boarded the spaceship, counted down and blasted off!  We flew through the clouds and the atmosphere into space.  We dodged meteors and looked at the planets and stars.  Then we landed on the moon.  On the moon, we planted a flag, we collected moon rocks, and practiced jumping on the moon.  It's amazing how high you can jump when there is NO gravity holding you down!  Then we climbed back on our spaceship and flew back to earth!  (Sorry, no pictures here- the astronauts and their teacher were a little busy!)

On Wednesday, the 4 year old classes learned about the sun and the stars.  We learned that the sun is a big ball of gas, and that it is actually a star.  We learned that it takes about 3 days to get to the moon, but it would take almost 3 years to fly to the sun!  Then we made our own telescopes to look at the stars.

Thursday was all about planets!  We learned the names of the planets and we even learned a song about them.  We learned that some planets are made of rock, while others are made of ice.  Some planets are covered in poisonous gasses, and some planets have rings of rock and ice that orbit them. Using coffee filters, washable markers, and a spray bottle, we made our own beautiful planets.  

We had some super fun space themed snacks sent from home this week!
Fruit space ships!

The sun and planets!

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